Our experienced pediatricians will perform an initial evaluation if you think your child is having problems with focus and attention. We also continue to treat your child after the initial diagnosis has been made.
Your child's consultation will be much more fruitful if you come prepared to the appointment with the necessary screening tools for making an appropriate assessment of attention problems in children. In our office, we utilize the Vanderbilt Screening Forms to assess attention problems in children. Please bring a completed parent initial Vanderbilt Screening Form and completed teacher initial Vanderbilt Screening form (preferably one for each teacher) to your consultation appointment or, better yet, turn these in ahead of the appointment for review by our pediatricians.
It is possible that additional screening or referrals may be necessary for diagnosis and treatment. This decision will be made by your pediatrician after a thorough evaluation.
435 Marina Drive
Georgetown, SC 29440
Phone: 834-833-8595
Fax: 000-000-0000
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402 Nelson Boulevard
Kingstree, SC 29556
Phone: 843-401-4200
Fax: 000-000-0000